Accepted methodologies of climate projects

1. Guidelines for demonstration of the additionality of the project activity
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2.Leak detection and repair in gas production, processing, transmission, storage and distribution systems and in refinery facilities
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4.Improved forest management, including forest fire protection
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5. Improved forest management, including reduced impact logging
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6.Fuel switching from coal and/or petroleum fuels to natural gas in existing power plants
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7. Recovery and utilization of gas from oil fields that would otherwise be flared or vented
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8. The technology of used lubricating oil regeneration
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9. Grid connection of isolated electricity systems
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10. Rewetting of drained temperate peatlands
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11. New cogeneration project activities supplying electricity and heat to multiple customers
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12. Electricity and heat generation from biomass
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13. Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources
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14. Renewable electricity generation for captive use and mini-grid
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15. Increased electricity generation from existing hydropower stations through decision support system optimization oroverhaul
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16. Энергетическая утилизация твердых коммунальных отходов (включая производство топлива, полученного из отходов – refuse-derived fuel, RDF)
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17. Анаэробное сбраживание органических отходов
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18.Сжигание и энергетическая утилизация свалочного газа
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19. Поглощение углекислого газа из атмосферы, накопление, трансформация и долгосрочное захоронение органического углерода на прибрежно-морских водно-болотных угодьях
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