Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated 11.05.2022 N 248, defining criteria for climate projects, have been adopted

On September 9, 2024 the amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated May 11, 2022 N 248 "On Approval of Criteria and Procedure for Assigning Projects Implemented by Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs or Individuals to Climate Projects, Form and Procedure for Submitting a Report on Implementation of Climate Projects" will come into force
The changes concern the following provisions:

  • A new criterion for classifying projects as climate projects has been added - activities within a climate project must be carried out in the presence of economic conditions for using the results of project implementation.
  • The deadlines for the start of project activities and the crediting period have been limited; the latter also has a limited duration depending on the type of project.
  • The list of documents and information to be submitted for project validation has been extended, the content of the validation report has been clarified, and the conditions for obtaining a positive opinion have been defined.
  • The form of the report on the implementation of climate projects has been adapted.