Increasing energy efficiency in the production of ethylene oxide and glycols at AO Sibur-Neftekhim
Name of the legal entity/Last name, first name and patronymic (initials) of the individual, including an individual entrepreneur
AO Sibur-Neftekhim
Location address
65, Avtozavodskoye highway, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, 606000
Form of incorporation (for legal entities)
Non-public joint-stock companies
Principal State Registration Number and its registration date (if any) (for Russian legal entities)
1025201738693 20.12.1999
Unique climate project number
Current status of the climate project (information on the climate project implementation)
At present, the unconditional (positive) conclusion on the verification of the results of the climate project "Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the Production of Ethylene Oxide and Glycols at SIBUR-Neftekhim" in terms of greenhouse gas has been received. Implementation of the project is being monitored.
Total number of carbon units in circulation within the climate project
Number of carbon units planned for release into circulation upon registration of the climate project
Planned reduction in (or prevention of) greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase in greenhouse gas absorption as a result of the climate project implementation
Climate project implementation period
Planned climate project start date
Actual climate project start date
Planned climate project end date
Information about the period, when reduction in (or prevention of) greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase in greenhouse gas absorption takes place as a result of the climate project implementation
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2032
Climate project implementation site (location of the land plot(s) where the climate project is implemented, including the address and/or geographical indication)
Nizhny Novgorod region, Dzerzhinsk, Avtozavodskoye highway, 65. Coordinates: 56.253022 N, 43.572010 E

the code of the subject of the Russian Federation at the location of the climate project (OKATO): 22
Information on the favorable opinion on the compliance of the project with the classification criteria for climate projects, issued by an accredited organization (name and principal state registration number of the accredited organization, details of the favorable opinion (date and number), name and unique number of the record in the accredited organizations register)
ANO VO "Innopolis University". Authority for validation and verification of greenhouse gas OGRN 1025201738693
Conclusion on validation from 19.12.2023
RU V-RU.150004.0.00003/23
Industry affiliation of the climate project (in accordance with OKVED)
Information on the accredited organization (name and unique number of the record in the accredited organizations registry)
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ufa State Petrotechnical University" RA.RU.150045
Information on verification of the results of climate project implementation (climate project implementation report date and details, verification statement date and the final opinion of the accredited organization)
Report b/n dated 15.02.2024, Conclusion on the verification of the results of the implementation of the climate project b/n dated 21.02.2024 - unconditional (positive). Final conclusion the accredited authority: The data in the report on the implementation of the climate project are reliable, which is confirmed by the following collected evidence: assessment of the monitoring and control system through interviews with staff, observations and requests for additional information. The information system used is: Prowirl F200 SC27A69000, SC2B0319000, SC2B0419000, SC2B0619000, SC2B0719000, SC2A8919000, SC37C819000, SC37C919000, SC37CA19000, SC37CB19000 vortex flow meters to account for steam generation from gas coolers at POE&G. Prowirl 72FRR flowmeter #F50DFF02000, Yokogawa EJA-530F POS-PIA249 pressure transmitter #91L847218, Metran IT-1,4G (P-100) POST-TE241 thermoelectric transducer №5476 to determine the specific flow of natural gas for steam generation in the EP boiler house. Quality passports of natural combustible gas of PAO Gazprom OOO Gazprom transgaz Nizhny Novgorod - mass fraction of natural gas i-component, density of natural gas. MES Database - Manufacturing Execution System. In support of this are presented: Combustible Natural Gas Quality Passports for 2020-2023; Prowirl F200 Vortex Flowmeter Passports; EJA-530A Electronic Output Pressure Transmitter Operational Passport; Calibration Certificates; Prowirl Vortex Flowmeter Type Description; Verification and Calibration Schedules for 2020-2023. 7EJA-530A; Calibration certificates; Type description of Prowirl vortex flowmeters; Verification and calibration schedules for 2020-2023. AO Sibur-Neftekhim has submitted the completeness and integrity of the documents and information specified in item 7 of Appendix 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated 11.05.2022 No. 248; Statement of steam production from POE&G gas coolers; Calculation model for SNKh monitoring.
Public information