Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions following introduction of an electrical power generating facility based on solar energy near the village of Reidovo on the Island of Iturup, located in the southernmost group of the Kuril Islands, the Sakhalin Region
Name of the legal entity/Last name, first name and patronymic (initials) of the individual, including an individual entrepreneur
OOO DalEnergoInvest
Location address
693008, Lenina St, 246А, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Region
Form of incorporation (for legal entities)
Limited liability companies
Principal State Registration Number and its registration date (if any) (for Russian legal entities)
1126501002980 27.04.2012
Unique climate project number
Current status of the climate project (information on the climate project implementation)
Currently, the first reporting period of the implementation of the climate project has been completed, the results of which are reflected in the verified Report on the implementation of the climate project "Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as a result of the introduction of an electric power generation facility based on solar energy in the area of the village of Reidovo on the island of Iturup, southern group of the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin Region" for the first reporting period 01.01.2022 – 30.06.2022 by the form approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 248 dated May 11, 2022 and in accordance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 14064-2-2021. The implementation of the climate project continues during the second reporting period.
Total number of carbon units in circulation within the climate project
Number of carbon units planned for release into circulation upon registration of the climate project
Planned reduction in (or prevention of) greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase in greenhouse gas absorption as a result of the climate project implementation
Climate project implementation period
Planned climate project start date
Actual climate project start date
Planned climate project end date
Information about the period, when reduction in (or prevention of) greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase in greenhouse gas absorption takes place as a result of the climate project implementation
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2031
Climate project implementation site (location of the land plot(s) where the climate project is implemented, including the address and/or geographical indication)
Russian Federation, Sakhalin region, Iturup Island, MO "Kuril City district"

the code of the subject of the Russian Federation at the location of the climate project (OKATO): 64
Information on the favorable opinion on the compliance of the project with the classification criteria for climate projects, issued by an accredited organization (name and principal state registration number of the accredited organization, details of the favorable opinion (date and number), name and unique number of the record in the accredited organizations register)
ANO VPO "University Innopolis" OGRN OGRN 1121600006142
Conclusion on validation from 07.09.2022
RU I-RU.150004.0.00001/22

Орган по валидации и верификации парниковых газов Инновационного технологического центра МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана RA.RU.150005
Industry affiliation of the climate project (in accordance with OKVED)
Information on the accredited organization (name and unique number of the record in the accredited organizations registry)
Information on verification of the results of climate project implementation (climate project implementation report date and details, verification statement date and the final opinion of the accredited organization)
Based on the procedures carried out and the evidence obtained by the OVandVPG, no facts were revealed with a reasonable level of confidence that the data in the Report on the implementation of the Climate Project for the first reporting period are not reliable. According to the OVandVPG, the volume of greenhouse gas emissions reduction as a result of the implementation of the climate project according to the Implementation Report "Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as a result of the introduction of an electric power generation facility based on solar energy in the area of the village of Reidovo on the island of Iturup, the southern group of the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin Region" for the first reporting period 01.01.2022 - 30.06.2022 are presented objectively in all essential aspects. Information on greenhouse gas emissions and their reduction as a result of the implementation of the climate project and the Report on the implementation of the climate project comply with the established requirements, criteria and verification principles contained in the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated 11.05.2022 N 248 "On approval of criteria and procedure for assigning projects implemented by Legal Entities, Individual entrepreneurs or individuals to climate projects, forms and procedures for submitting a report on the implementation of the climate project"; GOST R ISO 14064-2-2021 "Requirements and guidelines for quantification, monitoring and preparation of accounting documentation for projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or increase their absorption at the project level"
Public information