Increase of greenhouse gas absorption through the implementation of a climate project on the territory of the Poronaysky forestry of the Sakhalin region
Name of the legal entity/Last name, first name and patronymic (initials) of the individual, including an individual entrepreneur
Location address
Аpt.2, 1, Karpatskaya Str., rp. Vanino, Vaninsky district, Khabarovsk Territory, 682860, Russian Federation
Form of incorporation (for legal entities)
Limited liability companies
Principal State Registration Number and its registration date (if any) (for Russian legal entities)
1142709001269 31.10.2014
Unique climate project number
Current status of the climate project (information on the climate project implementation)
A positive conclusion was received on the compliance of the project with the criteria for climate projects, issued by an accredited person. The climate project is in the implementation phase
Total number of carbon units in circulation within the climate project
Number of carbon units planned for release into circulation upon registration of the climate project
Planned reduction in (or prevention of) greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase in greenhouse gas absorption as a result of the climate project implementation
Climate project implementation period
Planned climate project start date
Actual climate project start date
Planned climate project end date
Information about the period, when reduction in (or prevention of) greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase in greenhouse gas absorption takes place as a result of the climate project implementation
01.09.2038 - 01.09.2102
Climate project implementation site (location of the land plot(s) where the climate project is implemented, including the address and/or geographical indication)
Sakhalin region, Poronaysky forestry, forest fund lands, areas: district forestry - Leonidovskoye part 2 (b. Poronayskoye); quarter 35 section 7; quarter 36 section 3,6,7,9; quarter 41 section 3.8. district forestry - Leonidovskoye part 2 (b. Poronayskoye); quarter 34 section 10; quarter 36 section 11.13; quarter 37 section 10; quarter 40 section 1; quarter 42 section 1.5; quarter 43 section 2; quarter 44 section 1,3,5; quarter 47 section 2.7; quarter 48 section 4; quarter 51 section 2.8; quarter 52 section 1.4; quarter 53 section 2; quarter 54 section 1.8; quarter 55 section 7; quarter 56 section 8.9; quarter 61 section 6.17; quarter 62 section 1.10; quarter 63 section 7.9; quarter 64 section 2; quarter 65 section 1. district forestry - Leonidovskoye part 2 (b. Poronayskoye); quarter 32 section 27; quarter 33 section 12,18,19,20; quarter 38 section 4.7; quarter 39 division 1,2,4,5; quarter 42 section 1; quarter 45 section 9; quarter 46 section 1; quarter 51 section 1,3,5; quarter 61 section 3. district forestry – Leonidovskoye part 2 (b. Poronayskoye); block 21 division 10. district forestry - Leonidovskoye part 2 (b. Poronayskoye); quarter 2 section 10; quarter 3 section 4,5,6; quarter 4 section 2; quarter 5 section 3; quarter 6 section 3; quarter 7 section 3,5,6,8; quarter 8 section 1,2,4,5; quarter 9 section 1; quarter 11 section 5; quarter 12 section 1; quarter 13 section 1.3; quarter 14 section 1. district forestry – Leonidovskoye part 1; quarter 184 section 18,20,24,40; district forestry – Leonidovskoye part 2 (b. Poronayskoye); quarter 1 section 2.5; quarter 2 section 5.12; quarter 5 section 1; quarter 7 section 1; quarter 10 section 2.13; quarter 11 section 2.6; quarter 18 section 2. district forestry – Leonidovskoye part 1; quarter 184 section 9,16,18,19. district forestry – Leonidovskoye part 1; quarter 183 section 20.21; quarter 184 section 18.19. district forestry - Leonidovskoye part 1; quarter 184 section 5,6,8,9,18; quarter 185 section 5.6. district forestry – Leonidovskoye part 1; quarter 185 division 5,8,9,12,15; quarter 187 section 4. district forestry Trudovoye; quarter 259 section 2,4,13,15; quarter 260 department 6,8,9,10,34. district forestry - Trudovoye; quarter 259 section 2,5,14,15; quarter 260 section 10.34. district forestry - Trudovoye; quarter 259 section 16.17; qurter 260 section 34.35. district forestry - Trudovoye; quarter 259 section 16.18; quarter 260 section 15.35. district forestry - Trudovoye; quarter 260 section 21.39.

the code of the subject of the Russian Federation at the location of the climate project (OKATO): 64
Information on the favorable opinion on the compliance of the project with the classification criteria for climate projects, issued by an accredited organization (name and principal state registration number of the accredited organization, details of the favorable opinion (date and number), name and unique number of the record in the accredited organizations register)
Research Center "Carbon Polygon NSU" OGRN 1025403658565
Conclusion on validation from 22.08.2023
Industry affiliation of the climate project (in accordance with OKVED)
Information on the accredited organization (name and unique number of the record in the accredited organizations registry)
Accreditation decision number: Аа-67 Unique record number: RA.RU.150017 Registration number of the record in the register of accreditation experts 00806 “Research Center Carbon Polygon” of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Novosibirsk National Research State University” Conclusion on validation from 22.08.2023
Information on verification of the results of climate project implementation (climate project implementation report date and details, verification statement date and the final opinion of the accredited organization)
Public information